SqueakNOS currently has support for PC Keyboards, PS/2 Mouse, Serial ports and the Real Time functionality of the CMOS chip on PCs. In this article I will use the latter as an example to explain how new HardwareDevice could be implemented.
I will also include a list of the most wanted devices, and some open questions I'd like to discuss with interested people. The current status of SqueakNOS calls for collaboration on many aspects, and supporting more hardware is one of the most important.
We try to keep as much as possible done in Squeak, interpreted by the Virtual Machine, in opcodes, not native code. This includes, of course, a lot of low level things, including I/O ports access, and IRQ handling. For I/O the trick is easily solved with a couple of new primitives (we can add a few new primitives after all the others we removed :-). For IRQ handling it's a little bit more complicated, but lets just start with the simplest things.
Getting the right information
The first and most important thing we'll need when coding a HardwareDevice is information. and although it should be available somewhere, it's not always easy to find. I always like to start with simple things and build more functionality while I'm getting a stronger grip on the problem, so I tend to avoid reading the code of existing device drivers (Linux' for example), because they tend to be too complicated to extract the right information from them, however we know that they are working, and we can always use them as last resource :-)
So far, for the simple things we have implemented, a good source of information was old documents from tutorials going back to DOS days, where things used to be simple. But the truth is that the further we got the more we needed the real information (chip's datasheets for example).
As an example we are going to use the CMOS/RTC chip of the PC computers. This is where the BIOS configuration is stored and mantained across boots, and also where the time is maintained, even when the PC is turned off and unplugged.
I remembered from the old days that Ralph Brown's interrupt list had a good Appendix on I/O ports, and I went straight for that, and got it right away!. As you can see it has a fairly good description, and we can start trying it right away. So I opened my SqueakNOS and created a new class:
PortHardwareDevice subclass: #CMOS instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SqueakNOS-Devices-Base'
I immediately ran to a Workspace and inspected (we'll have MorphicWrappers soon enough, don't worry):
CMOS onPort: 16r70.
This gave me a CMOS device already, but what to do with it? Ralph Brown explains it really clear. Quoting from the sited webpage:
Accessing the CMOS
The CMOS memory exists outside of the normal address space and cannot contain directly executable code. It is reachable through IN and OUT commands at port number 70h (112d) and 71h (113d). To read a CMOS byte, an OUT to port 70h is executed with the address of the byte to be read and an IN from port 71h will then retrieve the requested information.
So I jumped to the Browser and added:
CMOS>>at: index self byteAt: 0 put: index. ^ self byteAt: 1CMOS>>at: index put: value self byteAt: 0 put: index. ^ self byteAt: 1 put: value
Accessing I/O Ports from aPortBasedHardwareDevice
All PortBasedHardwareDevices have a base port, and to perform input and output operations you use byteAt: offset and byteAt: offset put: aByte respectively [1]. The quoted description says that to access a given value in the CMOS we first need to output the index to port 16r70 and then read/write from/to port 16r71, this two ports are respectively ports at offset 0 and 1 for our just instantiated CMOS onPort: 16r70. It may sound a little bit complicated, but when you have several devices of the same class on different ports (think serial com ports) it makes a lot of sense to access them as a base port and an offset.
With this ready, I wanted to test it, so I couldn't help watching my fingers type in the inspector:
self at: 0
This should access CMOS' register #0, and from a little bit simplified page at BiosCentral we can see that register #0 contains Real Time Clock's seconds (in BCD), so I continuously printed it like crazy, and to my surprise (or not) it did change every second! Wow! it's kind of working, wasn't it?!
The next and obvious thing was to implement easy accessors for all the interesting values:
CMOS>>second ^ (self valueAt: 0) bitAnd: 127CMOS>>second: aNumber ^ self valueAt: 0 put: aNumber
CMOS>>minute ^ self valueAt: 2
CMOS>>hour ^ self valueAt: 4
CMOS>>time ^ Time hour: self hour minute: self minute second: self second
CMOS>>statusB ^ self at: 11
CMOS>>isBCD ^ (self statusB anyMask: 4) not
So... what now? heh! The CMOS' RTC has an alarm that, AFAIK, nobody cared to ever use, but we are going to abuse.
SqueakNOS IRQ Handling
As explained in SqueakNOS' swiki:
The code inside Squeak blocking on the Semaphore looks like:
InterruptRequestDispatcher>>installOn: aComputer self registerSemaphore. process := [ [ semaphore wait. self handleOn: aComputer. aComputer interruptController signalEndOfInterrupt: interruptNumber. ] repeat ] fork priority: Processor highIOPriority. aComputer interruptController enableIRQ: interruptNumber.
And the native code to signal the Semaphore, taken from ints.h, is similar to:
void irq_1_handler();asmlinkage void ISR_1() { if (0!=IRQSemaphores[number]) signalSemaphoreWithIndex(IRQSemaphores[number]); }
asm( " .text " " .align 16 " " irq_1_handler: " " pusha " " call ISR_1 " " popa " " iret " )
There is an interesting detail in all this: the software interrupt ending (IRET) and the hardware IRQ ending (outb(0x20,0x20)) are detached in SqueakNOS, were they are almost always done at the same time in every other code we saw. This gives a really desirable result: The IRET lets the software continue, going back to the interpreter and letting the Process waiting on the Semaphore be rescheduled, however, the hardware part (Interrupt Controller) still thinks the IRQ has not been served yet, and will wait until the Squeak side of the handler (shown above) signals the end of the interrupt (aComputer interruptController signalEndOfInterrupt: interruptNumber.
We believe that with computers close to 1000 times faster than 20 years ago this should be ok, however we are not sure yet if it may bring any problems latter, and we are open, although reluctant, to the possibility of coding some glue code, or even complete "device drivers" natively (or hopefully using Exupery). Probably for sound and video I/O, we'll see.
We were successfully using the very same scheme in the old SqueakNOS, so we just ported it to the new code base.
With all this, the next thing to do is to set the alarm, so we added an instance variable and a few more methods:
PortHardwareDevice subclass: #CMOS instanceVariableNames: 'alarmBlock' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SqueakNOS-Devices-Base'CMOS>>alarmSecond: aNumber ^ self valueAt: 1 put: aNumber
CMOS>>alarmMinute: aNumber ^ self valueAt: 3 put: aNumber
CMOS>>alarmHour: aNumber ^ self valueAt: 5 put: aNumber
CMOS>>alarm: aTime self alarmHour: aTime hour; alarmMinute: aTime minute; alarmSecond: aTime second
CMOS>>onAlarmDo: aBlock self alarmBlock: aBlock.
CMOS>>enableAlarm self statusB: (self statusB bitOr: 16r20)
CMOS>>disableAlarm self statusB: (self statusB bitAnd: 16rDF)
And a few more, for the IRQ setup and handling:
CMOS>>handleIRQfor: anIRQDispatcher "this method will be called when the IRQ is signaled" self alarmBlock value.CMOS>>installAlarm Computer current interruptController addHandler: self forIRQ: 8. self enableAlarm.
CMOS>>uninstallAlarm Computer current interruptController removeHandler: self forIRQ: 8. self disableAlarm.
Ahahahahhaaa!!! can't wait to try it! can you? In the inspector do:
self onAlarmDo: [Display flash: Display boundingBox]. self alarm: (self time addSeconds: 30). self installAlarm.
Count! 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, ("Arg! next time I'll put 10"), 3, 2, 1, wow! flash! ah-ah! uhm... hey! ouch... reboot...
What did you expect? we are playing with low level stuff! we should be forced to reboot at least once!
What happened is that the alarm was triggered at the right time, and the block was actually evaluated (Display flashed), but not only once. It was done forever, like if the IRQ was triggered again and again and again. And since IRQ 8 (CMOS') has higher priority than IRQ 14 (mouse's), the mouse died (and killed the keyboard with it). But if you try carefully, you'll see that while the screen is flashing like mad, the keyboard is still working (until you move the mouse). This means two things: we should stop this IRQs! and more important, IRQ priorities are honored, and even when one IRQ runs like crazy, another more important can be served... nice!
Solving this small problem took me a while, until I found the right information: The chip's datasheet. There they "clearly" say the IRQs will repeat until you read the state on register C:
So we had to tweak a little bit our #handleIRQfor: to include this:
CMOS>>handleIRQfor: anIRQDispatcher | flags | flags := self statusC. (flags anyMask: 16r20) ifTrue: [ "registerC must be read to clear the interrupt bits, otherwise, the interrupt is generated again" self alarmBlock value. ].
With this we are pretty much done with the CMOS/RTC hardware. Of course there are more things to it (retrieving and storing BIOS configuration and password, periodic timer IRQs and update IRQs, etc), and of course, it could be made a lot more robust and cleaner, by checking the status flags and verifying error conditions and assigning names to constants, for example. But we just wanted to add something more to SqueakNOS base, and actually, we implemented CMOS thinking that it was going to be a good example for this article, simple but still rich.
Implementing a new PortBasedHardwareDevice
Implementing simple devices should be almost easy following the steps described here, for more complicated things it may be a little bit hairy. In any case, questions are welcome (and expected!), and we hope to build an interesting discusion group to talk about all this [2].
We know there is a big limitation right now, but we hope to find a nice solution for the time we really need it: Some hardware devices work accessing memory (RAM), for this we'll either need to add some external (native) memory management functionality, or find a way to lock ByteArrays (or any other Object) in memory so the GarbageCollector doesn't move them around while they are being accessed by the hardware. And then, even if we can solve this in some decent way, there are some old hardware devices that require low memory addresses (below 1M or even below 640K). For this cases we will definitely need to implement some external memory manager, or hack a big ByteArray in a fixed location and administer it from Squeak. The good news is that we currently don't have anything located in this low memory area (yes, we may be wasting 1M of RAM), so it may not be so complicated after all (if you are curious see how we implemented calloc() for SqueakNOS' VM.
Some interesting devices to work on
Open questions to discuss
[process terminate] forkAt: Processor lowIOPriority.
Oh well... This is it. We hope you at least enjoyed reading it, and of course, we'd like to see more HardwareDevices being born! Let's talk about this, and discuss more. We are opening a new mailing [2], and trying to maintain the swiki and diary entries updated, with information about new releases and small advances.
gera for SqueakNOS
[1] byteAt: and byteAt:put are implemented around the primitives primitiveInPortByte and primitiveOutPortByte. There are 4 more primitives (primitiveInPortWord, primitiveOutPortWord, primitiveInPortDword and primitiveOutPortDword) which can be used to implement more I/O methods.
[2] We will create a mailing list for SqueakNOS discussion, but right now lets use Squeak-dev (at http://lists.squeakfoundation.org) to start with. This list has lots of traffic, so if you prefer just sent me private email. We will be prepending email subjects with SqNOS to make it easy to spot them.